Frequently Answer Questions


Frequently Asked Question

Are you sure you know what scrum is or what many of the terms you just heard are, well if you did that is great but lets be honest some of it just not as blended as it is here in most fields so below is a brief of some of those “simple questions” to help you get additional clarity

agile is a productivity philosophy used to create software but also to help manage any project. the scum approach is a specific methodology in this that emphasizes communication and weekly iterations of growth with demonstrable driven results

Whether you already have your own set or you have a budget constraint and don’t actually need things like physical robes, circles and books and so on but just want the sessions and work. we can come up with a better package. Just message me and be honest about your situation and I will let you know what parameters are available.

it is also possible if you are taking the technomancer package to do the payment sessions over a longer period of time to better fit inside a budget that more closely resembles and earlier package

We design and decide on the flow and degree of commitment on a weekly basis as we discuss all elements so we will be able to make it work.  But some behavioural changes will happen for example

you will be doing a daily discipline that takes around 30 minutes, daily journaling will be a thing and weekly sessions as well as another part of the practice that grows as we go.

there will be more active work involved when we enter technomancer and as we are actively working together to build your brand and you will be filming content working on ui and much more but we work together to figure out how best to approach this

This is still possible to work in as our focus is that these forces are archetypal and as such can work easily in any pantheon that is most effective for you but if you are set in a doctrine that rejects practices like ritual, meditation and the unconscious then this is not right for you as our system is based on results and cannot be used to shelter a faith

A discount can be arranged for couples or teams but overall the bulk of this work is deeply personal and private and needs one on one attention so even as a couple we will still need to at least 50% of the sessions one one specially the entire initiate level cannot be shared but the magus and technomancer can to a degree depending on the alignment between parties as as this will still be personal and you should really be willing to consider the shadow side of any dynamic and that needs to be brought in

You will be invoiced based on the payment method you decide on either once off or monthly and payments are done directly via electronic funds transfer to my company bank account and you get a tax invoice. all financials are declared my side and we write the expense up as consulting and technology services

Nothing is shared with anyone. all our sessions are recorded for your private review as are our logs, when the series is done i make you a small screen-grab where you can see me destroy all the backups my side and you alone can decide what you let me share and if you are willing to be made by a testimonial in the future or not. there are some sessions in group that are optional to join and there are sessions in vr where you can customize your avatar and its name anyway and those aren’t recorded and to boot we sign a confidentiality agreement before we start

Occultism can be filled with danger but that is why working with an experienced mentor is show helpful and also why there is so much reporting and analysis done almost daily. This is to insure that we catch any potential challenges and deal with them before they become serious issues. if anything this is the safest possible way to approach the path but let me be clear this is not medicine and if I think you need a doctor I will tell you immediately and likely in the first session

Thats no stress, life happens and we are flexibile. we will just skip that week but still add some exercises but you wont lose that week it will just extend the time we use as the program is based on sessions, the time is just to give you an idea of how long it should take

Yeah you heard right but no that is not my real name. It is an alias i use because lets be honest there are still some crazy people out there that think they will go to heaven if they kill a witch. so the name is used to protect my family and some of my other businesses.

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