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  We all have a shadow. We all have that place within us that our negative and undeveloped traits collect. Whether due to denial, or lack of attention, these things...
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We see the term quite often, whether it is in context of magick, esoterica, or personal development, but there is not a lot written on what a thoughtform actually is....
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Do two of the more popular systems talk to one another? And if so, how? What is the correlation between the tarot and the zodiac? How can this information be...
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  Sigils! The term sigil encompasses a host of ideas all related to tapping into the power of the subconscious mind and finer energies of the cosmos in an easy...
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  As we begin to work with the Qliphoth, we open ourselves to the wisdom they have. This is the process of initiation, but in the case of the Qliphoth,...
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  When one begins to develop their magical skill, it becomes apparent early on that Hebrew is a cornerstone of the Western Esoteric Tradition. It is hard to find quality...
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This class discusses how things have evolved to where they are today, but especially looks at the role and connection astrology has with modern day spirituality and occultism. This is...
  • 10 Students
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Angels are some of the most fascinating and common beings that are found in modern spirituality. Their assistance, mystique, and potency are of great help to those that may feel...