• Astrological Chart Interpretation

    Now that you have the basic knowledge of understanding for astrology, how do you put it all together? We will move our perspective from the trees to the forest…

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  • Your Shadow, Your Friend

      We all have a shadow. We all have that place within us that our negative and undeveloped traits collect. Whether due to denial, or lack of attention, these…

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  • Why are You, You

    Have you ever wondered why you are you? Isn’t the blood family you were born into (or not!) an interesting menagerie that sometimes doesn’t make sense? When you consider…

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  • Uncovering the Tarot

    One of the most popular spiritual tools today is the tarot deck. This fantastic tool allows one to tap into their subconscious, and to access information that would otherwise…

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  • Thoughtforms

    We see the term quite often, whether it is in context of magick, esoterica, or personal development, but there is not a lot written on what a thoughtform actually…

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  • The Aura, Chakras and Kundalini

    We see these terms a lot, and while it is easy to find correspondences for the chakras, it is hard to find out the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows’ behind…

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  • Tarot and the Zodiac

    Do two of the more popular systems talk to one another? And if so, how? What is the correlation between the tarot and the zodiac? How can this information…

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  • Sinister Gods of the Left Hand Path

      When one first begins to walk the Left Hand Path, it may seem nebulous or daunting due to the amount of information present, especially as it pertains to…

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  • Sigilcraft

      Sigils! The term sigil encompasses a host of ideas all related to tapping into the power of the subconscious mind and finer energies of the cosmos in an…

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  • Sex Alchemy of Lilith and Samael

    On the Left Hand Path, Samael and Lilith have a special relationship, and it is one founded and grounded on sexual alchemy. What secrets, sexual and not, can be…

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  • Retrograde Planets: A Personal Portrait

      This term is common on the internet, but there are many mixed views of this subject. In this course, we will discuss what retrograde planets are and aren’t,…

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  • Qliphothic Initiations

      As we begin to work with the Qliphoth, we open ourselves to the wisdom they have. This is the process of initiation, but in the case of the…

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  • Psychic Self-defense

      Does that ghost in the closet have you jumping at shadows? Or perhaps that poltergeist keeps moving the toothpaste on you? Maybe, even, there are way too many…

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  • Mercury Retrograde – What to Do

    Approximately three times a year the planet Mercury moves in a retrograde fashion. All planets go through a retrograde time, but Mercury in particular has very manifested results. During…

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  • Magick 101

    What is magick? What is magic? Reading the word conjures many different images to mind, and brings many questions to the surface. When starting out on the magical path,…

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  • Magical Hebrew

      When one begins to develop their magical skill, it becomes apparent early on that Hebrew is a cornerstone of the Western Esoteric Tradition. It is hard to find…

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